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We buy and grow successful e-commerce brands around the world, giving business owners the power to build their next big idea

Founded by passionate entrepreneurs, we know how hard it is to run a thriving
e-commerce business. We’ll guide you through the selling process in a way that’s fair, transparent, and doesn't compromise your brand vision.

Combining your experience and expertise with ours, we understand the analytics and processes required to help Amazon and other D2C businesses grow, fast.

Our process

Although we handle each case individually, we’ve found the following process works the best to get your brand across the finish line.



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In a few days, we will determine if your company is within our investment scope. During this first phase, we will look into key stats, discuss your brand’s potential, and brainstorm growth plans to decide if your business is a good fit for Mantaro.




If you like what we have to say,we will begin our due diligence. This allows us to better understand your underlying financials, your supply chain, and sales trajectory. After the due diligence has been completed, we will make you a best-price offer.




Once our offer has been accepted, we will begin the transition period, which allows us to understand the details of your business - including an initial conversation with your suppliers. We will finalize all legal documents and transfer the money to your account.

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In a few days, we will determine if your company is within our investment scope. During this first phase, we will look into key stats, discuss your brand’s potential, and brainstorm growth plans to decide if your business is a good fit for We The Brands.


If you like what we have to say, we will begin our due diligence. This allows us to better understand your underlying financials, your supply chain, and sales trajectory. After the due diligence has been completed, we will make you a best-price offer.


Once our offer has been accepted, we will begin the transition period, which allows us to understand the details of your business - including an initial conversation with your suppliers. We will finalize all legal documents and transfer the money to your account.

SELLER 1 / 3

"The process of selling was well-structured and simple. They was super helpful during the onboarding process while answering all questions regarding legalities. There was no-nonsense and it was basically foolproof."

SELLER 2 / 3

"I really liked how smooth and professional the process was. I was positively surprised by how much the team cared about understanding what decisions were made and why."

SELLER 3 / 3

"They saw the potential in Helperfect and believed in our brand vision so they offered us a competitive valuation together with a well thought-out growth plan. I appreciated their efficiency, fairness and how well their great team managed to integrate our brand in their portfolio."

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Want to see what WETHEBRANDS can do for your brand?

Let's get to know each other better!
By telling us about your business, we can provide you a proper valuation of your brand today.

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